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Guild of Bricklayer Annual General Meeting + Dinner & Dance 2022

November 15, 2021

Guild of Bricklayer AGM + Dinner & Dance

I am pleased to inform you of the above event, will take place at Roman Way Hotel, Watling Street, Hatherton, Cannock West Midlands WS11 1SH to which you are cordially invited.

On behalf of the Guild, I am pleased to inform you of the above event, will take place at Roman Way Hotel, Watling Street, Hatherton, Cannoc, West Midlands WS11 1SH to which you are cordially invited.

The Annual General Meeting is an important event in the Guilds diary, to which all members are invited. It is your opportunity to elect Council Officers, vote on resolutions and to be informed of Guild activities.

A dinner dance will take place during the evening of Saturday, and will be enjoyed by many members, partners and guests, with a chance to meet and socialise with other members.

Can I ask you to show your support for the Guild by considering attending this years AGM, and what will be a most enjoyable weekend.

For members travelling some distance, and wish to stay over Friday night, an informal social evening and quiz will be held in the hotel bar.

Please find enclosed a booking form and programme, should you require any further information; please do not hesitate to contact me.

I shall look forward to meeting you

Please do not hesitate to contact the GOB team on

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